This is an educational opportunity to learn more about STEM college, careers, entrepreneurial opportunities and investments options. By submitting your REGISTRATION and attending this event, you do so voluntarily and do not hold SGSF, it's sponsors, donors, board of directors, advisors or the event host liable for any accidents or unfortunate incidents that may occur. SAFETY is first and SGSF along with it's host will take every precaution to ensure everyone's safety. Also, as a willing participant, you are aware and know there will be photos and videos captured for educational, promotions and community access/awareness campaigns and you will not expect any compensation for said images, videos or profiles of you.
SGSF is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization seeking to improve and to sustain the lives, communities and economics of underserved girls and rising leadHERs in STEM, using STEM and the skills that come with it as our vehicle for change and workforce development.