What is The Reflect(H)er Awards?
The Reflect(H)er Awards is an award ceremony, that recognizes and celebrates women in your local and surrounding community for explemary service in various areas and diverse ways. It is an oportunity to highlight and showcase women who are scouts, trailblazers, forerunners and leaders. This award ceremony not only demonstrates the appreciation for the work these women do to advance women and pave a way for generations to come, but in some way we hope that it creates a visual hope for women who are posied, positioned and purposed for greatness, but need to see someone actually suceeding in what they are dreaming of doing, as a local role model.
What are the requirements?
Nominee must be a natural born woman who is 18 years of age or older. Nominee must live in you local city, county or immediate surrounding areas.The nominee must be actively serving in the area in which the award is meant to recognize her for. The business/service the nominee is being nomiated for must be legal, replicable and promote positive and healthy physical, mental and/or the spiritual welfare of women. The nominee must be verifiable and accessible via email, phone or other "usual" forms of contact.