FLGBTQI - Affinity Space Interest Form
In 2024, Funders for LGBTQ Issues is committed to launching an affinity space for LGBTQ-identified folks working in philanthropy. This space is open to individuals working at member and nonmember institutions. We hope to meet quarterly. You can express interest in joining this space by filling out the form below. We envision this space as a space for peer support, network building, and emergent conversations on sector-wide news. If you'd like to help inform the goals and structure of this space, please express interest in joining our advisory council when you fill out the form.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Are you interested in joining the advisory council for this group?
Please Select
Maybe, need more information
What topics would you like to be able to discuss with other queer folks working in philanthropy?
Is there anything else you are looking for in a LGBTQ affinity space?
How long have you worked in philanthropy?
Please Select
1-3 years
3-6 years
6-10 years
10+ years
As we continue to grow our affinity space, we want to ensure that communication methods align with your preferences. Please share your thoughts on how you'd like to receive updates and information moving forward. Select the option that best suits your preference, or feel free to provide additional suggestions:
Please Select
Email Listserv
Slack Channel
Other (please specify)
If you answered other above, please specify
Should be Empty: