HPLS Group golf schemes are open to serving and retired Hantspol staff, HFRS serving and retired staff, other police force staff living in Hampshire and also friends and family associate members of the above for playing with those full members only.
Our schemes all operate by similar rules and conditions, however start at different times of the year, some on May 1st and some on Sept 1st.
All places are limited and subject to vacancies. You can join at any point within the first 6 months of the schemes membership year, however there are no pro-rata rates and the same fee applies whenever you join within that period. This means that if you join or renew on the start date you will get a full 12 months playing use from the scheme. If you join later you will get a reduced playing year before you would need to renew it again.
Any form submission without the required information to show eligibility will not be responded to. If you wanted to ask anything before submitting this please email hplsgolf@live.co.uk