Deadline: Rolling - funds awarded on a first-come basis
Purpose: Thanks to a $8,000 gift from California State University, the ACPE Foundation, with support from the ACPE Research Committee, will provide up to four travel awards for ACPE members to present original research on palliative care education from a spiritual care perspective. Travel awards will total up to $2,000 per person. As some Palliative Care related conferences meet in early Spring 2024, applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as one’s workshop is accepted. Funds will be dispersed on a first come – first serve basis, as eligibility requirements are met.
Eligibility: ACPE Psychotherapists and Spiritual Care Professionals in good standing; ACPE Certified Educators and Certified Educator Candidates in good standing; students enrolled in ACPE programs
Application Criteria: Priority will be given to palliative care education research that prioritizes issues of justice, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.
- Funded projects will have goals demonstrably consistent with the mission/vision/values and Strategic Initiatives of ACPE.
- Applicants are asked to provide an abstract of their accepted research workshop proposal
- Applicants must provide a travel budget, including cost of conference registration, airfare, lodging.
- Applicants are encouraged to apply at the earliest date available to make arrangements for travel.
- After the completion of the grant, applicants should submit a final budget and reflection.