Important Notes
· This subscription form is not a confirmation of participating in the tournament Shifty Hoops. We will notify you once you have been selected to particpate in the tournament. Subscription fees must be paid once you recieve the confirmation for the particpation with the banc details, latest before the 1st of may. The fees are 600.- CHF per team. A team can bring max. 10 players.
· Winner cash price 7000.- CHF.
· Keep the gym clean.
· No glass bottles are allowed in the gym.
· Please be aware that photographs and videos of you will be published on the media channels and will remain in our posession.
· Please bring an ID to the torunament to identify yourself.
· A no show or delayed arrival will be treated as a lost game for your team.
· Any verbal or non-verbal violant behaviour will be punished with a disqualification.