Lingfield College is an inclusive community that aims to support and welcome students with medical conditions. The School understands its responsibility to make its environment welcoming, inclusive and supportive to all students with medical conditions and provide them with the same opportunities as their peers.
On entry to the School, it is the parents’ responsibility to inform the Medical Officer of any medical conditions and needs. It is also important that the School are informed of any changes.
Please complete the following two medical forms, even if your child does not suffer from any medical issues or allergies.
- Individual Healthcare Plan (below)
- Food Allergy and Intolerance Form (even if your child does not suffer from any medical conditions)
There are several points regarding medication which is worth detailing:
EpiPens and Allergies - Parents are requested to supply a copy of their child’s Allergy Action Plan if it has been supplied by a healthcare professional. If not, the Medical Officer from the School will be in contact to send one to you, along with a Medical Consent Form. A spare EpiPen should be provided at the start of the term to the Medical Officer clearly marked with your child’s name.
Students are required to always carry their EpiPen with them, which is clearly labelled, including sports fixtures and school trips. Any student who does not have an EpiPen on them will not be allowed to attend the excursion.
Asthma: We require a School Asthma Card to be completed for every asthmatic child. If your child has severe asthma (eg takes oral steroid tablets or has previously been hospitalised for asthma) we also require an Asthma Action Plan that has been written and signed by a healthcare professional (for example GP or asthma nurse). Parents can also give permission for a spare generic Ventolin Inhaler to be used by their child in an emergency. To do this they must tick and sign the relevant box on the School Asthma Card.
We will also require a Medical Consent Form to be completed, again this will be sent by the Medical Officer. A spare inhaler should be provided at the start of term to the Medical Officer clearly marked with your child’s name.
Students are required to always carry their inhalers with them, including sports fixtures and school trips. Any student who does not have an inhaler on them will not be allowed to attend the excursion.
Medication: Any prescribed medication bought into the School must be in the original packaging clearly marked with your child’s name and the dosage. A Medical consent form must be completed prior to any medication being given. This can be found via Firefly Medical Forms.
Prescribed medication should only be taken to School when essential, namely when it is detrimental to be without. Only oral medication can be administered at School.
It is the parents’ responsibility to make a note of any expiry dates on medication and renew them accordingly; however, a reminder letter will be sent out before expiry.
Apart from EpiPen, Asthma inhalers or diabetic medication, no students are allowed to carry medication on them, it is to be given to the Medical Officer at the start of the day. The School does hold a supply of paracetamol which parents are requested to give consent to on the form below.
Contagious Conditions: Please do not send your child into School with particularly contagious conditions such as conjunctivitis or impetigo. The School may ask parents to arrange for confirmation from a GP if there is any likelihood of a condition, such as a rash being infectious.
Following any episode of diarrhoea and/or vomiting which is caused by a virus, students are not expected to return to School until they have been symptom-free for 48 hours.
It is always our aim to work with you, and we greatly appreciate your cooperation in this important area. Please refer to the Senior School Medical Condition Policy on our website for further details.
Yours sincerely
Medical Officer