BCPH Spring Webinars
The Boston Congress of Public Health would like to cordially invite you to speak at one of our Spring Webinars. If you are passionate and knowledgeable about the subject area, we'd love to have you! Webinar 1 - Feb 15, 2024, 4-5 pm EST, Webinar 2 - March 14, 2024, 4-5 pm EST, Webinar 3- March 28, 2024, 4-5 pm EST, Webinar 4 - April 11, 2024, 4-5 pm EST. Applicants with thorough applications and strong interest will be contacted for further discussion.
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What webinars are you interested in participating in?
Please Select
Webinar 1: Is Veteran Health A Tragedy or Comedy in the US?, Feb 15, 2024, 4-5 pm EST
Webinar 2: How Can We Achieve Equity in Maternal Health for Black Women?, March 14, 2024, 4-5 pm EST
Webinar 3: Maternity Deserts: What Are the Impacts and Solutions?, March 28, 2024, 4-5 pm EST
Webinar 4: How Is California Paving the Way for Healthcare Access to Undocumented Immigrants?, April 11, 2024, 4-5 pm EST
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Brief Cover Letter 200-500 words Interest in Participating in BCPH Spring Webinars - Only thoughtful applications that speak explicitly to why you want to participate on a certain webinar and how there is a strong FIT will be contacted to further consideration.
Areas of Expertise in Public Health, Social Justice, Law, Politics, etc.
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