1.本人已年滿18歲。I have attained the age of 18 years.
2.本人聲明在此報名表格及隨附文件所載的資料,依本人所知均屬完整真確。所發之證書以表格上英文姓名為實,如有更改需另付費用。I declare that all information in this application form and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. Applicant’s name shown on the printed certificate will be same as the name he/she has provided in this form. Handling charge will be applied for each requested change.
3.本人同意如獲取錄入學,本人當遵守學院的規例。I consent that if admitted, I will comply with all the Rules and Regulations stipulated by the institute.
4.本人已細閱報名表格內之事宜,並明白所有報名須知,詳情均以本院之「學員手冊」及學院網頁之最後更新版本為依歸。I have read and understand the details in this application form and understand that the details of the Enrollment Guidelines are subject to revisions in the Student Manual and the latest updates in the institute’s website.
5.除本學院取消課程外,學費概不退還,亦不可轉讓他人。Unless the institute cancelled the course, tuition fee paid will not be refunded nor transferred to a third party.
6.學員須根據學院既定指引分三期完成繳交課程總學費。Applicants are required to settle the total tuition fee in 3 installments, based on the institute’s guidelines.
7.如學員對上述條款有任何爭議,本學院將保留最終決定權。In case of disputes, our institute reserves the rights of final decision.
個人資料收集聲明Statement on Collection of Personal Data
The institute collects and keeps the personal data of applicants for the purpose of reviewing applications for training courses, arranging admission matters, providing employment follow up, arranging for courses to be reviewed, mailing regulations, and conducting employment record review or opinion surveys, etc. The in formation may be transferred to the relevant employers and/or government departments and/or other relevant departments for the above mentioned purposes.