TLC seeks to foster a caring environment in the classroom that is conducive to the education of all children present. TLC is committed to each student's success in learning within a caring, responsive, and safe environment free of discrimination, violence, and bullying. We work to ensure that all students have the opportunity and support to develop to their fullest potential and share a personal and meaningful bond with people in the school community.
Thoughtful direction and planning are used to prevent problems and encourage appropriate behavior. Communicating clear and consistent rules and assisting children with problem-solving will help children develop their ability to become self-disciplined. We encourage children to be fair, respect other people and property, and learn to understand the results of their actions. However, while caring for your children, we may have to respond to your child's misbehavior.
The guidelines below are set standards for the classroom and taught in the classroom. Guidelines positively reinforce standards and teach children what they can do to fit into and participate as class members.
- We can listen to the teacher and follow directions the first time they are given.
- We are friendly to each other and ourselves and can treat others with respect.
- We can wait for our turn.
- We can make good choices.
- We can put our materials back in place, clean our area, and help to take care of our classrooms.
- We can stay in our seat/personal space/sit spot and sit quietly.
- We can use our inside voices.
- We use friendly touches only.
- We use words to solve problems.
- Sometimes, we need to stop, look and listen.
We at TLC understand that our children are still in development. Making mistakes is okay, SO long as our children learn from those mistakes. Students should be held accountable for their behavior. TLC will work with your child to assist them in learning to be good students. Our teachers will use a combination of strategies, including but not limited to:
- Positive reinforcement and giving clear choices.
- Establish clear rules and be consistent in enforcing the rules.
- Our teachers will use guidance to teach children cooperative skills.
- Redirect your child to a new activity.
- Use positive language to explain desired behavior.
- Consequences for undesired behavior will include loss of privileges, a time to calm our bodies, and visiting the Director's office.
- The teacher will regard classroom conflicts as mistake behavior and use them as teaching opportunities.
Undesirable classroom behaviors that cannot be resolved may result in the child being removed from the program. The Director will contact parents if undesired behavior patterns are repeated or fail to improve.
The behaviors that WILL NOT be tolerated include biting, hitting, kicking, scratching, pinching, head butting, spitting, or any other conduct that could cause harm to another.
Additional information about our discipline policy can be found on pages 15 - 17 in our Family Handbook.
By signing the Discipline policy, you acknowledge that you have been informed of our policy.