Insurance Score Disclosure:
In order to provide you with an accurate insurance quote, it is necessary for our affiliated carriers to review your credit report and utilize a credit-based insurance score. This score is derived from the information contained within your credit report and aids in determining whether to insure you and what premium rate to charge. Many carriers may utilize third-party entities in connection with the development of your insurance score. This information may also be utilized to provide you with quotes for other insurance products offered by the Amanda Campbell Agency.The Department of Financial Services offers free financial literacy programs designed to assist individuals with insurance-related inquiries, including understanding how credit functions and how credit scores are calculated. For further information, we encourage you to visit requesting an insurance quote from us, you acknowledge and agree to the aforementioned credit review and utilization of credit-based insurance scores for quoting purposes.If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclosure, please do not hesitate to contact us.