I agree to allow Gumballs Boutique to exhibit and sell my items under a 3 month consignment term. I agree to accept payment after my items have sold. I agree to leave my items on consignment for the full 3 month consignment period.
Gumballs Boutique will set the retail price as needed to earn the consignor their specified cut of the earnings. I understand that the percentage I earn may vary, based on store promotions and sales, but the dollar value agreed upon will be honored. Consignor earnings specified in addendum 1.
At the end of this term, consignment will continue until the vendor requests return of the items. Gumballs Boutique requests 10 days notice before items are picked up. If items are removed without due notice, then the consignor is liable to Gumballs Boutique for 20% of the retail value of those items. Any vendor who becomes non-responsive (by means of not responding to three attempts of contact: phone, email and standard mail) for a period of 90 days forefeits their items to Gumballs Boutique.
I will not hold Gumballs Boutique responsible for loss or damage of my consigned items. Any recalled items and damages thereof are the responsibility of the consignor to whom they belong.
This agreement may be terminated at any time by either party, by means of written notificitaion. Within thirty days of this notification all accounts shall be settled and unsold products returned to the consignor.
Gumballs boutique agrees to keep all terms and conditions of this agreement confidential. Consignor business name will be displayed, but not the individual's name, email address, web address, or other personal information.