If you have knowledge that a person’s safety might be in danger, please complete this form to the best of your knowledge.
You may wish to complete this form before contacting the Safeguarding Lead or you may wish to complete the report after contacting this person (depending on the level of risk).
If you wish to inform us of a Safeguarding Incident verbally before completing this form, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead/s (Stacey Swimer: International Programmes, Emily Cookson: UK Programmes). After becoming aware of an incident, you need to report it to a Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately, and you need to submit this form within 48 hours of the incident occurring.
This report is to be used as a tool to develop the most unbiased information-based report possible. For confidentiality reasons, the report should be written and submitted solely by you. Your submitted form will only be accessed by the Designated Safeguarding Leads. It will be held in a safe and secure place and treated in the strictest confidence.