I give permission for medical treatment of my child, {fullName}, by a doctor and/or hospital in case of an emergency when neither parent(s) nor person(s) listed as emergency contacts can be reached.
I hereby authorize the director or assistant director of St. Martin’s Preschool to execute any and all documents including any necessary releases on my behalf, which might be required, by any medical facility or physician to perform any emergency care, on account of any accident or illness sustained or incurred by my child, named above, while attending St. Martin’s Preschool.
I further agree that in consideration of my child's attending St. Martin’s Preschool, I will hold St. Martin’s Preschool, and its agents and servants, harmless from any action by me or my child on account of any injury or damage sustained or suffered by my child while attending St. Martin’s Preschool or field trips.
I certify that my child, named above, is in good health and requires no special medical care or treatment while at St. Martin’s Preschool.
By entering my name below in the signature field below, I authorize the above release.