CIS TSCM Unit Agrees to the following:
1) Inspect all rooms and structures located at above listed address.
2) Inspect requested vehicles
3) Report all unauthorized surveillance devices and cameras.
4) A detailed report will be provided to the client via email within 48 hours of conducting the sweep.
5) ONLY the client can authorize demolition of any materials needed to gain access to the surveillance devices. (express written consent by email or text) CIS, LLC is NOT responsible for
any damages
6) If any devices are found they will be left in place until the client authroized them to be removed or request for Law enforcement responce to remove them.
7) For best results during your surveillance sweep we ask that only one member of the household/ business be present during the sweep.
This Agreement is entered into on the above listed date between the client and between California Investigative Service a California Private Investigation Branch # 5764, a division of California Recovery Investigations. 11341 National Blvd #1078, Los Angeles, CA