Dear Parent/Guardian:
Educational Talent Search (ETS) is a TRIO Grant Program that is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, serving eligible students in grades six through twelve. Educational Talent Search encourages and prepares students for postsecondary education (college, university, technical, or vocational school) by providing services and activities through group workshops and individual sessions held at their school. Outreach Advisors from ETS provide services and information on the following topics:
* Academic Guidance/Advisement * Connections to Tutoring Services
* SAT/ACT Preparation * College Admission Process
* College Options & Requirements * 21st Century Scholars
* Campus Visits * FAFSA (Financial Aid Form)
* Career Exploration * Cultural Enrichment Activities
* College Selection * Grant and Scholarship Searches
ETS serves students who demonstrate an interest or desire to attend college and maintain satisfactory academic progress. ETS provides them with the encouragement and support to enroll in a program of postsecondary education after high school graduation. This is at no cost to students, ETS is 100% Federally Funded.
In order to be eligible for selection as ETS participants, students must meet the following criteria:
* Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien;
* Be at least 11 years of age and in grades 6-12;
AND one or both of the following:
* Meet the Federal Department of Education Taxable Income guidelines (see attached income worksheet).
* Be a student whose parents have not received a Bachelor’s degree or higher.
In order for a student to participate in the program, a parent/guardian must complete the enclosed Transcript Release Form and return it in the self-addressed, stamped envelope or complete the online application found on our website, It is preferred, but not required that the Income Eligibility Worksheet is returned in order to verify that Taxable Income was correctly selected. By signing this form, you will be giving ETS permission to communicate with your child’s school, with you, and with your child via U.S. Mail, telephone, computer generated correspondence, or written correspondence relative to ETS activities and services. Please follow us on Facebook at ETS – Vincennes University for information on current activities, services, and reminders.
Educational Talent Search Staff
23-24 grant year
ETS is 100% federally funded at $475,977 annually/Effective 9-1-2023