Last Litter Program
To be eligible for free desexing of mother cat, the ENTIRE litter of kittens must be surrendered to us once the kittens are weaned (approx. 7-8 weeks). All kittens come into foster care to loving family homes. They will be desexed, microchipped and have their first vaccination, before being placed for adoption. If any kittens from the litter are given away or kept by you, the free desexing of the mother cat no longer applies.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal / Zip Code
Mobile Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Mother cats name and age
Number of kittens
Kittens date of birth (or estimate age)
Have kittens been flea’d and/or wormed?
Have the kittens been extensively socialised and are confident with the following? Please select all that are relevant. If they have been socialised but are nervous/timid with any of the below, please do not select. Please answer honestly as this helps us assess which carer would be most suited to ensure we can give them the best opportunity to find their forever home.
Older children over 12
Children aged 5-12
Children under 5
Cats other than their mother
Other small pets such as rabbits, birds ect.
They are shy with all of the above
Are the kittens or the mother cat (or have they in the past) showing any signs of ill health for example - sneezing, watery or gunky eyes, limping, snotty nose, coughing, dry patches of skin, missing fur, fleas, worms ect. Please explain any possible symptoms below. This will not exclude your kittens from the program, it just allows us knowledge to organise for extended quarantine and adequately skilled carers for their possible medical treatment.
Date of Signature
By signing this application, you recognise that every surgical procedure carries a risk. South Gippsland Animal Aid or the chosen vet can not be held liable for any complications your cat may have while under the care of the chosen vet clinic. Any subsequent treatment or medications your cat may need as a result of this desexing procedure will not be covered by South Gippsland Animal Aid or the chosen vet. You also agree that every kitten in the litter will be placed in to the care of South Gippsland Animal Aid once weaned and failure to do so results in you no longer being eligible for free desexing of the mother cat.
Apply for Last Litter Program
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