2025 MQHA Sponsorship Form
Business Name
Name to be displayed at show if different from business name
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Upload your logo or an image that we can share on our Social Media & Website
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If this sponsorship is supporting a competitor for our sponsorship challenge, please specify their name here so your donation is allocated to them.
Sponsorship Amount
Where would you prefer your sponsorship to be directed to.
No preference
Regular Class Sponsor ($30 for 1, or 4 for $100)
High Point Award ($250)
Futurity Class ($500 & up)
Welcome BBQ Sponsor ($750, only 2 available, first come, first serve)
Swag Bag Sponsor (Minimum $750, only 2 available, first come, first serve)
Breakfast Sponsor ($300, only 2 available)
Exhibitor Water Sponsor ($300, only 2 available)
Other (please leave note in comment section)
How will you be paying this sponsorship
Cheque mail to: MQHA, c/o Rose Cook 232 Upper Mountain Road, Boundary Creek, NB E1G 4A1
E-transfer (send to maritimequarterhorse@gmail.com)
Would you like an invoice/receipt sent to you?
Please provide mailing address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Should be Empty: