If there is a cover-up involved, please take a well-lit photo of the tattoo or scar that you would like covered as well as some area around it. Also please note how old the tattoo/scar is in the description box.
Saturday appointments are in high demand and therefore book up fast. Currently Saturdays are booking up 1-2 months out. Evening appointments are also very popular and don't always work for the type of appointment desired. Group bookings and larger pieces take more time. Therefore the latest I usually book these types of appointments are 4/4:30pm.
If you are looking for price estimates and general information, please take a look at my instagram "pricing & policy" post, you may find your answer there. I also have posts on the booking process and important design communication tips. The website has information about each method of tattooing I offer, and a frequently asked questions ( F.A.Qs) page. If you're inquiring about information I have posted on instagram or the website & are not looking to booking an appointment, you may not receive a response.