Select your name from the list below
Please Select
Ellie Babineaux
Ali Brooks
Jacqueline Colvin
Kwame S. Adkins
Lecresha B Howard
Tamera Kleinpeter
Elizabeth D. Laurent
Kimberly E. Littlefield
Brandon L. Lively
Terrica T. Matthews
Brittany N. Mills
Gary M. Nelms Jr
Troy Pater
Nichole S. Pitre
Hazel I. Semper
Andrea J. St. Germain
Maria C Thorn
Dong Lam Tram
Brooke M. Viguerie
Select the class or elective you attended
Please Select
Mandatory #1 (0 points)
Mandatory #2 (0 points)
Mandatory #3 (0 points)
Mandatory #4 (0 points)
Professional Standards Training (5 points) •
Become C2EX Certified (NAR) (2 points)
Participate in Rebuild Together Baton Rouge Work Day (2 points)
Nominate someone for a GBRAR Award (1 point)
Complete Fair Haven Fair Housing training (2 points)
Obtain a NAR Approved Designation (2 points)
Attend a national speaker at GBRAR (2 points)
Travel and attend any LR conference (5 points)
Attend Baton Rouge LR conference (3 points)
Attend a GBRAR Board of Directors meeting (1 point)
Attend a GBRAR Lunch and Learn (1 point)
Rebuild Together Baton Rouge Volunteer Days (2 points)
Louisiana REALTORS® - REALTOR® Day at the State Capitol (3 points)
Attend TRENDS (2 points)
Attend GBRAR REALTOR® Expo (2 points) • December - Gardere Christian Christmas Give (1 point)
Complete the NAR Commitment to Excellence (3 points)
Become a LARPAC minimum donor ($15) (1 point)
OTHER (enter description below)
Please add any additional information necessary for the elective you chose
Hit submit!
You will be sent a monthly tally of the number of points you have earned so far.
Should be Empty: