WV Collegiate Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships For Success Initiative (C-SPF-PFS) Student Leader Application
Thank you for your interest in participating as a student leader for the WV C-SPF-PFS Initiative. Selection of the student leader position will be done by the C-SPF-PFS advisory board and there will be one student from each participating campus selected for this position. Others may be selected if funding allows.
The overall goal of the C-SPF-PFS Initiative is to prevent the onset and reduce the progression of substance misuse and its related problems among higher education students (ages 18 and older). If you have a passion for preventing substance misuse, then this Student Leadership Position is for you.
1. Additional goals include:
a. Develop leadership skills of student leaders by increasing connections and networks between higher education institutions and local prevention community coalitions.
b. Increased prevention capacity for culturally sensitive, data-driven, evidence-based practices;
c. Trainings and prevention activities on campus;
d. Traveling, participating, and presenting in local, regional, and national prevention conferences; and
e. Sharing information about the C-SPF-PFS Initiative with campus and other stakeholders.
2. Student Leader’s Pay/Hours & Qualifications
a. Students can earn $15 an hour for up to 10 hours a week per semester (fall, spring and summer).
b. Students must be enrolled full-time.
c. Students are encouraged to apply from a variety of fields who are interested in the prevention field.
d. Preference will be given to students who are WV residents.
3. Student Leader’s Roles and Responsibilities (students will work with campus faculty/staff and advisory board to complete the tasks below):
a. Review campus policies and data to inform needs and selection of interventions.
b. Attend training on evidenced-based practices and needed updates on trainings.
c. Develop SPF plan for campuses and review and update plans annually.
d. Assist with needs and strengths assessment, identify target communities, develop plans and refine the plan as needed.
e. Implement evidence-based programs, practices, prevention activities, and environmental strategies on campus.
f. Work collaboratively with the student leaders from the other campuses.
g. Participate on the advisory board, as determined by the student leader group.
h. Attend prevention conferences and meetings.
i. Support the implementation of the C-SPF-PFS Strategic Plan.
j. Enhance C-PF-PFS social media presence.
k. Build a student prevention coalition/group/organization/club.
l. Hold regular meetings with campus champions and/or project director.
m. Create environmental scans on campuses to assess for need.
n. Connect with local county coalitions and prevention lead organizations.
Please answer all questions below and submit with a copy of your CV or Brief Resume. Questions: contact Lori Garrett-Bumba at garrettbumba@marshall.edu.