1. As with most exercise and fitness programs, there is a risk of injury when training at Joy of Pilates &Fitness (JOP).
I understand JOP offers personal fitness services that require strength, flexibility and aerobic activity. The services include the use of equipment, exercise, and movement that may cause bodily injury, illness and possibly death. In consideration participating in services, activities and training at JOP, I release, discharge andhold harmless JOP, its staff, and others acting on its behalf from any claims, damages, causes of action, demands or liabilities for any injuries or damages arising from any use of JOP equipment or my participation inany JOP service, activity or training.
2. I am physically able.
I am physically able to use JOP equipment and engage in any JOP activity, service or training I participate in at JOP. I am not suffering from any condition or impairment that would prevent my safeparticipation in the activities, services and training offered by JOP and in which I choose to engage or participate. I agree to keep my instructor informed of changes to my physical condition or changes in my abilityto perform the activities associated with my training, but in no event will I engage in any activity or participate inany services or training that will injure me or aggravate any condition or impairment I may have.
3. I have had a recent physical examination.
I acknowledge that JOP recommends I have yearly or more frequent physical examinations and consultation as needed with my healthcare provider regarding physical activity, exercise, training and use of exercise equipment such as that offered at JOP. I have either 1) had a physical examination and been given my healthcare provider’s approval to participate in JOP activities or 2) decided to participate in these activities without the approval of my healthcare provider and assume responsibility for that participation