Checklist of forms needed to complete the application process:
Student Statement
Parent / Guardian Statement
Counselor Form
2 Academic Teacher Reference Forms
You will be notified by phone or email if your application is not complete.
Three reasons you should apply to be a Summerbridge Scholar:
- You gain the edge to become a leader.
You strengthen your skills to be an even more successful student.
You meet new and exciting people from other Jefferson County Public Schools and from across the country.
Students who are accepted into the program:
- Are motivated and hardworking
- Are enthusiastic about learnin
- Complete their applications in a timely manner
- Have solid teacher recommendation
- Have at least a C grade average or higher
Maintaining the Scholarship privilege
Requires a strong 2-year commitment from the family.
Students can have no more than 3 absences excused or unexcused from the summer program.
Benefits of being a Summerbridge Scholar
- Summer excitement and learning
- School year enrichment
- School year advocacy
- High School Counseling
- Fun, fun, and more fun with students and young teachers in training
Summer Program hours are 8:15 am — 3:45 pm
After school tutoring as needed
Buses will be scheduled to pick up and drop off students at central locations. Bus pickup sites will be determined based on student enrollment.
You will be notified by phone or email if your application is not complete.
Important Program Dates: (dates may be pushed back if snow days cause schools to go longer into June)
Summer program begins – June 10
Summer program ends – July 19