Teppertown Puppy Expression of Interest
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What are you looking for? Age, Gender, Colour etc *Please note puppies are PET only on limited registration, meaning not for breeding.
YOUR FAMILY:Number of Adults: Children:
Is there someone home during the day, If not how long is your house empty for during the day:
Do all family members want a puppy:
Are any family members allergic:
Who will be the primary carer of the puppy:
Do you have other pets, if so please list type/gender/age:
Do the adults have secure jobs/income:
Which Vet do/will you use:
Are you aware of all health related issues that can arise in French Bulldogs and are you willing to get pet insurance for your own peace of mind we highly advise that you do:
Can you live with a dog that will potentially snore at night:
YOUR ENVIRONMENT:Do you live in an apartment/townhouse/house etc:
Do you own or rent:Are you willing to provide a letter from your landlord if renting or their details for us to:
How big is your yard, and is your yard 100% secure:
If you have a pool is it fenced:
HOUSING OF PUPPY How will your puppy be housed (yard, kennel, inside, outside, crate, pen):
Where will the pup sleep at night or when you aren’t home:
Who will look after the puppy when you take holidays:
OUR RELATIONSHIP: Are you happy to keep in contact with Teppertown for the life of your puppy:
Will you give Teppertown photo/video updates to post/repost on our social media:
What do you want from us as breeders:
Thank you for taking the time to fill this outIt shows us your serious about a new family member! Anything else you'd like to add:
Should be Empty: