Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America’s Directory of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals
Legal Disclaimer
The content in the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America’s Directory of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals (the “Directory”) is provided as a public service solely for reference and informational purposes. Inclusion in the Directory does not imply any endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, its Mental Health Ministries, the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches, Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion (OCAMPR), or any affiliates (collectively, the “Directory Administrators”). The Directory Administrators make no representations with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or currentness of the Directory content, and specifically disclaim all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for any particular usage, application, or purpose.
The information in the Directory is provided by the mental health professionals listed therein. The listed mental health professionals state themselves that they: have a valid mental health license for clinical practice, are Orthodox Christians in good standing (defined as not being restricted from receiving Holy Communion), and have a desire to be a mental health resource for the Orthodox community. The Directory Administrators have not verified all this information, have not investigated the professionals’ competency in their fields, nor do they warrant the authority of any listed mental health professional to practice lawfully in any state. The absence of a mental health professional in the Directory does not imply that the professional is not qualified to practice in their fields. Directory Administrators have not evaluated the mental health professionals’ knowledge or practice of the Orthodox faith beyond being a member in good standing of an Orthodox parish. Administrators are not responsible for and do not verify or endorse specific expressions of the Orthodox faith that a mental health professional might express or practice.
Users of the Directory should conduct their own due diligence in determining the authority and competence of mental health professionals in the Directory. By voluntarily making use of the Directory, the user assumes any and all risks related to use of the Directory, and waives any and all claims against the Directory Administrators. In no event shall the Directory Administrators be liable for damages to any user of the Directory for the user's selection of any mental health professionals from the Directory, for the services provided by any participant listed herein, or for any damages which may result from use of the Directory.
Copyright in the compilation of the Directory of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals belongs to the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. This Directory may be used solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. Users may not use the Directory as a marketing source, as a mailing list of any type, or for any purpose of financial gain. The Directory content may not be copied, shared, posted online, or used for any other purpose without the written consent of the Directory Administrators.