If I become employed by Westfield Fire &Rescue. I agree to conform to all the rules and regulations of Westfield Fire & Rescue, Westfield Township, and The Village of Westfield Center as they exist and asthey may be amended in the future. I understand and agree that my employment with Westfield Fire & Rescue can be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at anytime at the option of the Westfield Fire & Rescue Fire Committee, Westfield Township Trustees, Village of Westfield Center Council, or myself.
Authorization to Obtain Background Information In connection with my application for employment with Westfield Fire & Rescue, and toenable Westfield Fire & Rescue to verify information I have already voluntarily given to Westfield Fire & Rescue in an Application for Employment, I hereby authorize Westfield Fire & Rescue, its employees, or agents to conduct a background investigation on me. I understand and agree that this investigation may include, among other things, investigative consumer reports, criminal reports, driving reports, reports on past and present employment, school transcripts, and othertypes of reports, and that such reports may reveal information about my character, general reputation, personal conduct, mode of living, school performance, work performance, work habits, claims involving insurance companies, and reasons for termination of past employment involving other employers or Emergency Service Providers.
If am hired by Westfield Fire & Rescue, I hereby authorize Westfield Fire & Rescue, and its employees and agents to obtain consumer reports, including investigative consumer reports, concerning me for purposes of evaluating me for promotion, reassignment, or retention as an employee, or any other employment related pu1 posc, at any time throughout the duration of my employment with Westfield Fire and Rescue.
I further understand that if I am hired, this authorization shall remain in effect and shall serve ns ongoing authorization for Westfield Fire & Rescue to procure consumer reports, including investigative consumer reports, for lawful purposes at any time during my employment with Westfield Fire & Rescue.
Further, 1 understand and agree that Westfield Fire & Rescue, its employees, or agents may and will be requesting information from various federal, state, and other agencies which maintain records concerning driving, criminal, civil, scholastic, and other experiences, and claims involving insurance companies.
Iauthorize, without reservation, any party or agency contacted by Westfield Fire & Rescue, its employees, or agents, to falsify the above-mentioned information, and to provide copies of records, and school transcripts as requested by Westfield Fire & Rescue. Some states require that I be given notice regarding disclosure of disciplinary action taken against me as an employee. In order to be considered for employment with Westfield Fire & Rescue, I hereby waive a 11y such notice.
By signing below, I certify that1 have received a copy of Consumer Report Disclosure Form and I have read the foregoing, and that I understand and agree with the statements these documents set forth.