Agreement with Golden You Leadership
I am aware in signing this document that my child and/or the child or young person that I am the caregiver for (hereinafter referred to as ‘my child’) could, by participating in this program, be exposed to certain elements of the program that could be physically and emotionally demanding.
Furthermore, I understand that certain inherent risks and dangers may exist in the activities in which my child will be participating and that these risks and dangers can cause injury, damage, or other loss. I acknowledge that while Golden You Leadership will make every reasonable effort to minimise exposure to known risks, all hazards and dangers associated with these activities cannot be foreseen or may be beyond the control of Golden You Leadership, its mentors and volunteers, and its staff.
I understand that Golden You Leadership will take all responsible care of my child whilst at camp and that Golden You Leadership will not be liable in any injury or accident, or for any damage or loss. While it is our policy to contact and consult with parents/guardians when outside medical help is required for my child, I recognise that some medical emergencies are time-critical and a delay may result in death or permanent disability. Therefore, in the event of a time-critical and/or life-threatening emergency:
(1) I authorise Golden You Leadership to arrange for medical care and treatment by qualified practitioners (including but not limited to evacuation, hospitalisation, blood transfusions, anaesthetic, surgery, and medications).
(2) I authorise Golden You Leadership to transport my child (or arrange for transport) to a medical facility.
(3) I accept all the risks inherent in the medical care and treatment, and transportation, referred to in 1. and 2.
(4) I agree to pay all costs associated with the medical care and treatment, and transportation, referred to in 1. and 2.
(5) I agree to the release by Golden You Leadership of any information or records necessary for the medical care and treatment, transportation, any referral, billing, or for other relevant purposes.
I understand that in cases of unacceptable behaviour, campers will be sent home from camp.
I confirm that the information contained in this application is true and correct and agree to inform Golden You Leadership of any change to the details I have provided.