George M. Jefferson (08/10/29-10/13/08) was born in Mayesville, SC to the late William McKinley Jefferson and Julia Dix Jefferson.
Believing education is the key to unlocking doors, Mr. Jefferson was a lifelong learner and educator. From the cotton fields of Mayesville, SC to the classrooms of Allendale, SC and to the streets of injustice throughout our Nation, Mr. Jefferson lived a life of Public Service.
Mr. Jefferson was a Member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Allendale Masonic Lodge No.53, and the NAACP. He was a Community Activist, Civil Rights Activist and Political Activist. He believed in justice and was always ready to fight for people who were unable to fight for themselves. He stood for what was right even if he had to stand alone.
Reward: The selected student will be awarded a $500 scholarship for college financial assistance and mentorship with our founder, Dr. Shanna A. Jefferson.
Qualifications: Candidates must meet the following criteria to qualify for this award:
1. High school senior in Allendale, SC enrolling in college in Fall 2024.
2. 3.2 GPA (4.0 Scale)
3. 1 letter of recommendation from a school official (teacher, counselor, adminstrator) and 1 letter of recommendation from a non-relative (pastor, community member, employer, agency official) who can attest to your commitment to serving as an agent of change.
4. Active involvement in an organization (school, community, church, etc) that fosters public service.
5. Essay of up to 500 words ahdering to the following: (a) Introduction (b) Define Agent of Change (c) Explain why public service is important (d) Idenitfy your past or current efforts in serving as a agent of change (e) Conclude with your plans to affect positive social change as you transition to college and beyond.
*Application must be submitted by May 1, 2024 at 12:00pm.
*GPA, extracurricular activities, career statement, and financial need statement are not required but may assist in the selection process.