We, athlete and parent, understand that participation in athletics involves the possibility of a serious or even fatal injury. In consideration for our child’s opportunity to participate in this program, we, the parents, individually and on behalf of our child, expressly assume any and all risks associated with and arising from such participation, including, but not limited to possible exposure to and/or infection with COVID-19, bodily and emotional injury, at practice, competitive events, and any other related activity, including transportation to and from any event by a volunteer.
We hereby release the Diocese of Toledo, CYO, St. Patrick Parish, the Northwest Ohio Catholic Parish League, any parish and/or school sponsor and all of their agents from any and all liability for any such injury or damage.
We acknowledge that we have provided the required emergency medical information and authorization as part of this online registration.
We will abide by CYO rules, the Parents’ Code of Ethics and the direction of CYO and game officials. We also grant permission to the Diocese of Toledo, CYO, St. Patrick Parish or their agents to take photographs of my children and use them as they deem necessary.