As part of the Parochial Church Council’s (PCC) ongoing strategy to “build a home where everyone can belong” at St James’s, we have released this survey in order to understand how diverse our community is. Our goal is to assess whether we have improved on our efforts at radical welcome by comparing this year’s results against the results of the previous survey undertaken in 2021, as well as to continue planning for progress in future.
This survey is completely anonymous. In 2021 over 200 people took part, and we hope as many people as possible will participate. You do not have to answer all the questions.
The questions are worded in the same way as in the 2021 UK Census.
It will take about five minutes to complete. The deadline for submitting completed surveys is 30 September 2024.
How your information will be used
The information you give is completely anonymous – we don’t ask for your name. To guard against the risk of any individual person being identified from their answers, only the following people will have access to the anonymous raw data:
- two members of the EDI & Belonging Survey Working Group (Tchansia Kone and Audrey Sebatindira)
- Parish Administrator, David Hamilton-Peters
- Associate Rector, The Revd Dr Ayla Lepine
- Rector, The Revd Lucy Winkett
Responses will be aggregated (ie, grouped together) before the findings are shared.
The survey data will be stored securely and kept totally separate from the main ChurchSuite database. The raw data will be deleted after one year and the survey will comply with St James’s Privacy (GDPR) Policy, which can be found on the website.
The summarised findings will be shared with the St James's congregation in autumn 2024. The findings are also likely to be shared with grant-making organisations and other funders of our church.
In 2026, St James’s will run the survey again to measure the church’s progress.
If you have any questions about the survey, please get in touch with the Associate Rector, The Revd Dr Ayla Lepine ( or speak with a member of the EDI & Belonging Group (Claire Wright, Audrey Sebatindira, Tchansia Kone, Petra Griffiths).