All Pie Ranch volunteers/ program participants / partner school students / interns are required to read and sign this Liability Waiver (or have a parent/guardian sign, if under 18 years of age) and complete the Emergency Contact Information section prior to starting work.
Program/Volunteer AgreementsI understand that participating in programming with Pie Ranch may involve strenuous physical activity that may be hazardous to me, including but not limited to picking fruit or vegetables, shoveling, raking, food preparation and cooking, etc. Projects often involve working with tools in outdoor conditions, including gardens, farms and orchards.With this knowledge, I agree to behave in a safe and responsible manner. I agree to only perform work that I am comfortable doing and that I feel I can accomplish safely. I agree to wear clothes and shoes that I believe will provide appropriate protection according to the work conditions. I understand that I must work safely and that I must treat the property owners' property with respect and care.I do hereby expressly agree that all our activities shall be at our sole risk and that neither Pie Ranch, its volunteers or employees; nor the property owners whose property we enter shall be held liable for any claims, demands, illness, injuries, damages, actions, causes of action whatsoever, to persons or property arising out of or connected with our participation in this organization. This includes injury resulting from equipment and/or tools. I hereby release Pie Ranch from any and all claims that may arise from or result in any expenses, personal injury, loss or damage incurred to me or by me during my participation in Pie Ranch projects.
2080 Green Oaks Way Pescadero, CA
3100 Cabrillo Hwy Pescadero, CA