By submitting this entry, I confirm that all passages and characters are original and of my own creation (for example, I have not used Spider-Man, Pokémon, celebrities, etc., used a writing prompt where I have copied line(s), or copied sentences found in a book or online).
I understand that peer editing (same age/grade or younger) is allowed, but all other editing (by parents, older siblings, teachers, etc.) is not permitted, except for legibility.
If a phrase is not my own, I have properly cited it using quotation marks and noted the source (i.e. author and title of work, including books, videos, games, media, TV, movies, etc.) in a footnote.
If I have used the names of people I know, I have received their express written permission.
If my story was inspired by another poem, story, song, video game, YouTube video, movie, etc., I have provided the source in the "Additional Comments" section below or before the start of the story.
This work is not posted anywhere online, and I will not share it online until after June 2025 if it is accepted for publication.
I have not submitted this work elsewhere recently and do not plan to submit it elsewhere in the near future (no simultaneous submissions).