EVENTS: Surf Lessons, Paddle Lessons, Surf Camps, Overnight Camps, Swim Lesson and Beach Cleanups hosted by MeWater Foundation
DATES: From 01/01/24 to 12/31/24
MeWater Foundation Waiver Statement: The collective effort and sacrifice of San Francisco residents staying at home limited the spread of COVID-19. But community transmission of COVID-19 within San Francisco continues, including transmission by individuals who are infected and contagious, but have no symptoms. Infected persons are contagious 48 hours before developing symptoms ("pre-symptomatic"), and many are contagious without ever developing symptoms ("asymptomatic" Pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic people are likely unaware that they have COVID-19. The availability of childcare and summer camp is an important step in the resumption of activities. However, the decision by the Health Officer to allow childcare and summer camps for all families at facilities that follow required safety rules, does not mean that attending childcare or summer camp is free of risk. Enrolling a child in childcare or summer camp could increase the risk of the child becoming infected with COVID-19. While the majority of children that become infected do well, there is still much more to learn about coronavirus in children, including from recent reports of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C Each parent or guardian must determine for themselves if they are willing to take the risk of enrolling their child in childcare/summer camp, including whether they need to take additional precautions to protect the health of their child and others in the household. They should particularly consider the risks to household members who are adults 60 years or older, or anyone who has an underlying medical condition. Parents and guardians may want to discuss these risks and their concerns with their pediatrician or other health care provider. More information about COVID-19, MIS-C, and those at higher risk for serious illness is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at / understand the risks associated with enrolling my child in childcare/summer camp, and agree to assume the risks to my child and my household. / also agree to follow all safety requirements that the childcare program/summer camp imposes as a condition of enrolling my child.