YAEP Business Travel Reimbursement Claim Form
Please read and follow all instructions carefully to prevent delays receiving your reimbursement
Your First Name
Your Last Name
At which school are you currently employed?
Please Select
Aurora Virtual
Centre Francophone de Dawson
Chief Zzeh Gittlit
Christ the King Elementary
CSSC Mercier
Del Van Gorder
École Émilie Tremblay
Elijah Smith Elementary
Eliza Van Bibber
F. H. Collins Secondary
Ghùch Tlâ Community
Golden Horn Elementary
Grey Mountain Primary
Hidden Valley Elementary
Holy Family Elementary
Individual Learning Center
J.V. Clark
Jack Hulland Elementary
Johnson Elementary
Khàtìnas.àxh Community
Kluane Lake
Nelnah Bessie John
Porter Creek Secondary
Robert Service
Ross River
Selkirk Elementary
St. Elias Community
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Secondary
Takhini Elementary
Teen Parent Center
Watson Lake Secondary
Whitehorse Elementary
Wood Street Centre
What was the nature of your business?
i.e. Central Council, AGM, Sub-Association, SOGI
Total Claim Value CAD
Which types of expenses are you claiming reimbursement for? (check all that apply)
Airfare to and from the event
Driving your own vehicle to/from the event
Meal expenses directly associated with travelling to, and attending the event
Accommodation costs directly associated with travelling to, and attending the event
Nights you stayed private accommodation in lieu of commercial hotel/motel stay
Taxi or other miscellaneous expense(s)
Mailing address where you would like your cheque sent
How many nights did you stay in private accommodation?
Airfare: Please upload copies of your itinerary(ies) showing your name, the destination(s), the dates and the amount paid. If the amount paid was in a foreign currency, please also upload a document (i.e. your credit card statement) showing that conversion into Canadian Dollars
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Driving from:
From Beaver Creek
From Carcross
From Carmacks
From Dawson City (only if no flight is available on that day)
From Destruction Bay
From Faro
From Haines Junction
From Pelly Crossing
From Ross River
From Teslin
From Watson Lake
From Whitehorse
Driving to:
To Whitehorse
To Beaver Creek
To Carcross
To Carmacks
To Dawson City (only if no flight is available on that day)
To Destruction Bay
To Faro
To Haines Junction
To Mayo
To Pelly Crossing
To Ross River
To Teslin
To Watson Lake
To Outside of the Yukon Territory
What was your out-of-Territory destination?
i.e. Prince George, BC
Total number of kilometres by road to and from the course or event
You can use Google Maps to calculate this
Breakfast: How many breakfast meals did you have to pay for over the course of necessary travel to and attendance at the course or event?
Lunch: How many lunch meals did you have to pay for over the course of necessary travel to and attendance at the course or event?
Dinner/Evening Meal: How many evening meals did you have to pay for over the course of necessary travel to and attendance at the course or event?
Breakfast $
Lunch $
Dinner $
Hotel/Accommodation receipts showing your name, the amount paid, and the dates of your stay(s)
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Taxi or other miscellaneous expenses. Please upload your receipt(s)
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Mileage amount CAD
Meals total CAD
Accommodations amount CAD
Airfare amount CAD
Misc Amount CAD
Email: Your preferred email address for this correspondence
Should be Empty: