This bike rental agreement is made as of the date above mentioned between Allo Velo Inc. (the "Lessor") and I, the undersigned, more fully identified above (the "Lessee"), whereby the Lessee agrees to rent from the Lessor the bike more fully described below and any accessories provided to the Lessee by the Lessor (the "Bike"), and the Lessor agrees to provide the Lessee with the temporary use of the Bike on the terms and conditions set out below.
I agree to pay, in full, all rental costs arising from this Rental Agreement, at the time of the rental.
I agree to pay for any late fees, repairs or replacement of the Bike that are made necessary by the use of the Bike during the time of the Rental Agreement, at the time of satisfactory surrender of the Bike. If the costs of the repairs exceed the market value of the Bike, or if the Bike is loss or stolen, I agree to pay for its replacement in full. The market value of a e-cargo bike is around CAD$9,000.00, an ebike is CAD$3,500.00 and a regular bike is CAD$750.00. We highly recommend that you opt for our optional insurance.
I acknowledge that I have inspected the Bike, and that the Lessor and I have witnessed any damages on it, if any, and I declare myself duly satisfied with the working order and condition of the Bike.
I agree to surrender the Bike in the same good working order and condition than it was at the Departure.
I agree to take reasonable means to prevent damage, theft or destruction of the Bike until the satisfactory surrender of the Bike.
I accept full responsibility for any damages caused to the Bike during the time of the Rental Agreement, including loss, theft or destruction of the Bike.
I acknowledge that there is a significant element of risk in the cycling sport, some risks and hazards inherent to the sport and others that may occur due to human error. Such risks and hazards can be cause of loss or damage to the Bike, cause accidental injury or, in extreme cases, permanent trauma or death.
I agree to assume responsibility for any and all the risks and hazards that may occur during the time of the Rental Agreement, and to assume full responsibility, for myself, for any bodily injury, death, loss of or damage to personal property and expenses thereof as a result of any accident with respect to the Bike.
I agree to keep the Lessor and all of its employees, directors and officers free of any liability, claim, demands, or costs arising from this Rental Agreement.
I agree to use the Bike in a proper manner, and not to use the Bike in an illegal manner or in any manner that might cause damages to the Bike.
SIGNED ON this date above mentioned.