Weber County Animal Services (WCAS)
Foster Application
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Zip Code
Type of Residence
Mobile Home
What types of family members will this pet be living with? (Select all that apply.)
Please indicate ages of children in the home. (Select all that apply.)
0-2 years
2-4 years
4-6 years
6-8 years
8-10 years
10-12 years
12-14 years
14-16 years
16-18 years
Prefer not to answer (we will discuss with you in-person)
Please indicate ages and number of children in the home.
Are there any other pets in the home?
Please tell us about the other pet(s) in the home.
It is highly recommended that your pets be current on all vaccinations prior to admitting a foster animal into your home. While we do not require proof of vaccination, we do ask that you acknowledge this advice by initialing here:
What types of animals are you willing to foster?
Are there any specific animals you are interested in?
Describe the room/area where your foster pet will reside.
Describe how you plan to introduce your foster pet to children and/or other animals.
Introductions are important and can set the tone for the relationship. If you are uncertain about the introduction, we will be happy to help!!
How will you keep your foster dog contained when outside (e.g., fenced yard, always on leash, etc.)?
By signing below, I certify that my statements above are true to the best of my knowledge.
Please read carefully and initial each statement below.
I understand that Weber County Animal Services (WCAS) does not have a professional behaviorist/trainer on the premises and therefore, is not able to conduct a thorough behavioral evaluation of the animals sheltered here. As such, WCAS is not liable for any damage or injury this animal may cause while in your care.
I also agree to waive and release WCAS from all liability, manner of actions, causes of action, claims and demands for or by reason of any illness, death, damage, loss or injury to person or property, which may be sustained as a direct or indirect consequence of foster’s care/supervision and/or negligence.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless WCAS for any costs or liabilities which may be incurred while in foster’s care.
I agree to adhere to the rules and restrictions that are presented below for the foster program and understand that WCAS is not accountable for any issue that may arise from failing to adhere to these rules: - Dogs are not allowed to go to dog parks while in this program. - Dogs/Cats are to be supervised AT ALL TIMES when around children or those not capable of determining animal body language of behavior. - Dogs/Cats are to be supervised AT ALL TIMES when around other animals.
WCAS will make you aware of any known medical conditions associated with your foster animal, but cannot guarantee the animal will not begin to show signs of illness while in your care. As a foster, you will be responsible for notifying WCAS at the first sign of illness so we may assist you. All foster animal vet care must be coordinated through WCAS. Fosters are responsible for transportation to and from the vet.
WCAS reserves the right to visit foster homes to ensure that the environment is nurturing and conducive to good health and a successful foster experience.
I understand WCAS has the right to refuse a foster application to anyone.
I understand that this agreement is binding on me, my spouse, my executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns this agreement has important legal consequences. The terms of this agreement are contractual and not mere recitals. This agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Utah.
I acknowledge and agree that I have carefully read this agreement and that I fully understand agreement, and that I freely and voluntarily execute the same. I understand that I may seek independent advice prior to signing this agreement.
By signing below, you certify that the information you have provided is accurate and you understand and agree to the above statements. These statements will stand for all future foster arrangements through WCAS. This agreement can be terminated at any time and for any reason by the Director or designated individual/staff member employed by WCAS.
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