Connie Testimonials
We want to hear about your experience with Connie!
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First Name
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Are you interested in having a phone or online interview instead? If so, please let us know and we'll reach out within 72 hours!
Yes, I would like to have a phone or online interview
No, I am satisfied with using the online form.
Why would you recommend Connie?
What has been a positive impact of using Connie for the organization you work for?
What Connie service do you or your organization prefer to use and why?
What was it like before you were using Connie?
Can you share any success stories of how your organization has used Connie?
Have you received any feedback about Connie from coworkers, doctors, or patients?
What problems were you trying to solve with Connie?
What would you tell someone who was considering using Connie?
In one word, how would you describe Connie?
Please provide a headshot
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