Pride in Surrey 2024 Volunteer Sign-Up
Your Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Please let us know your preferred pronouns
Your Age
Please note, the minimum age to volunteer alone is 16
Contact E-mail
Reconfirm Contact E-mail
Your contact phone number:
Where are you based? (Town name only)
Please do not provide your address, just your town or village name.
Please select your availability: (tick all that apply)
Wednesday 18th September Set-up
Thursday 19th September Set-up
Friday 20th September Set-up
Event Day AM Park Help (21st September)
Event Day PM Park Help (21st September)
Event Day AM Parade Help (21st September)
Sunday 22nd September Clear-down
What volunteer opportunities interest you? (tick all that apply)
Parade welcome and registration
Front entrance ticket admin
Litter control
Welcoming park visitors
Fencing assembly
Site decoration
Social Media
Please use the below box to let us know more about your availability, times available etc..
Please tell us a little about you..
What interests you in volunteering for Pride in Surrey?
Please provide your emergency contact information below: (Name, relation and phone number)
Please provide any information relating to any accessibility and medical requirements:
Which is your preferred method of contact? (tick all that apply)
Text Mesage
Telephone Call
Should be Empty: