Secular Week of Action 2024 Report
Thank you for running a SWoA event! Let us know about it here.
Group/Team Name:
Contact Email:
Event Name:
Event Images/logo (ensure you have consent of people in pictures before sharing)
Browse Files
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Event Region
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Primary Event Category:
Advocacy/political activism
Food or Supply Drive
Health and Safety
Local community organization or cause
Total Volunteers
Include event organizers
Total Volunteer Hours
Total Impact Numbers (ex: direct beneficiaries, money raised, meals/kits distributed, items donated, bags of trash collected, etc.)
Was this event a success?
Absolutely flawless
Almost perfect
Mostly successful
Lots of room for improvement
Complete disaster
If you received press for your event, please share links
Additional comments, suggestions, or questions
Should be Empty: