I understand that if there are any changes to the medical information provided in this registration/or if my child has medication to be dropped off at the time of arrival, I/we will inform the camp on drop-off day. I am of the belief that my child is in good health and able to participate in the camp experience. I also agree that if necessary, basic First Aid (which could includes icing, minor wound/burn care, bandages) and medication (which could include: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, anti-diarrheal, antihistamine, dimenhydrinate (Gravol), antacids, antibacterial ointment, cough drops, eye/ear drops) can be administered as needed while at camp; I give my approval for transportation to and from a doctor’s office or hospital if deemed necessary.
Campers exhibiting cold and flu symptoms are encouraged to contact the camp office to determine their wellness to attend camp. This is to ensure the health and safety of our staff and other campers. If a camper is unable to attend our office will work with you to determine an appropriate solution.