Tutors and courses now confirmed.....
Do check out the description of the courses and tutors on our website. www.fireinthemountain.co.uk/musiccamp
Many of our courses are selling out. We will announce new tutors via the website and emails (if you have already booked or registered on the waiting list)
Camp Only Ticket (without full time tuition)
If you'd like to attend music camp without taking the daytime courses, it's £20 a day (£100 for the week).
Camp activities: Tuition until 4pm, then...
*Evening workshops in jazz chords, flat foot dance, ceilidh calling, cajun tunes and more
*Slow jam
*The Honky Tonk Choir, our evening communal singalong
*Concerts/Ceilidhs/Square dance every night
*Cajun Dance night with The Flatville Aces (with short two step and cajun waltz lesson beforehand)
*Sauna and hot showers in the Dell
*Bar open all week