SAT & SUN, JULY 12 & 13, 2025
Stall Holders Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions are designed to convey important information regarding sites on offer at the Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. grounds. It is imperative that all stall holders read and understand the Terms and Conditions prior to signing the application to secure a site; particularly clauses regarding bonds, payment schedules, pricing and site plans.
Our agreement with you is made up of these terms and conditions and the application for stall space. As such the conditions of occupancy shall be deemed to be the agreement between the “Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc.” and “The Stall Holder”, as they relate to your participation in the Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. Failure to comply with the undermentioned clauses will result in the cancellation of your stall space and forfeiture of fees paid.
Stall holders are to comply with the hours of operation recorded in this document or risk losing their bond. Should stall holders and/or their staff leave their stall unattended during the hours of operation or not abide by the all the conditions stated in this document the bond will be forfeited. Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. stall space coordinator to make the final decision.
The Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. has the final say on site allocation. No further matters will be entered into. Sub-letting of any sites will not be allowed. A fine, penalty or ruling will be imposed for site holders in breach.
Stall application open - January
Stall application close - April 14th, 2025 (COB)
Payment not received by the due date will authorise the Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. to cancel the booking. The stall holder will forfeit all payments in accordance with the Terms & Conditions and the site will be let to another stall holder.
If the stall holder cancels his/her site for any reason whatsoever, (such cancellation to be in writing addressed to Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc.), then a cancellation fee, being a proportion of the prescribed fees and relative to commencement date of the show (as detailed below), shall be paid by the stall holder to the Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc.
10 days prior - 50% site fee non refundable
9-1 day prior 100% site fee non refundable
There is a $300 bond applicable to all sites. Bonds will be refunded to stall holders provided the site is left in good condition and stall holders trade as per the trading hours. Bonds will not be rolled over to the next rodeo and agricultural show period. Bonds will be refunded into your account in the week following the event. Please be sure to complete the bank details on your application form to allow the Rodeo Association to return bonds in a timely manner.
Sites must be fully set up no later than 7am on Saturday, 12th July, 2024. No vehicle movement to sites is allowed from Saturday 7am to Sunday 6pm. Not all sites have available space for additional vehicles.
Set-up Time - Sites must be fully set up prior to 7am Saturday
On Saturday & Sunday, you are required to have your site operational and manned as listed below. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of bond. Our event is licenced until 2am on Saturday so we encourage you to operate until that time if possible. You have the option of opening on Friday if you wish to. We have a large number of campers staying at the grounds over these periods.
Stall Space Opening/Close
Stall Space |
Opening |
Close |
Friday (optional) |
Afternoon |
12am |
Saturday (mandatory) |
7am |
10.30pm |
Saturday (optional) |
10.30pm |
2am (close of bar) |
Sunday (mandatory) |
7am |
5pm |
Displays, sites or fixtures must be dismantled and removed before 8pm on Sunday 13th.
Pack-down Time - Sunday 13th July by 8pm
Vehicles may only be parked near a site to unload for a maximum of 1 hour. Not all sites will have direct vehicle access. Entry is via the main gate of the grounds. Vehicles are not to be left unmanned on site without leaving mobile contact details clearly displayed on the dashboard. If you leave your vehicle unattended, without displaying your contact number, your car will be towed away.
Vehicles blocking sites, entry areas or impacting on the deliveries of other site holders will also be towed away.
The stall holder must confine his/her business to the purpose accepted on the Stall Space Application. No selling, canvassing, hawking or distribution of printed or other matters will be permitted outside the area allocated. Canvassing off your site will lead to closure of your site and forfeiting of bond.
Stall fronts must all be kept in a straight line with each other. No object, furniture or promotional items are to be put in front of your stall. No banners, flags or display stands must be outside the site boundary. No part of a stall holder’s display material, tents, pegs, ropes, marquees or items for sale etc. to encroach on another site. All stall holder staff must remain within their own site boundaries.
The stall holder and their staff are to conduct themselves in an orderly and respectful manner while they are on the rodeo grounds. Alcoholic beverages must not be consumed on sites by the stall holder and/or their staff. No smoking/vaping at any of the sites on the rodeo grounds is permitted. Smoking/Vaping is only permitted in official designated smoking/vaping areas — Queensland Government fines apply.
Each stall is allocated 2 free weekend passes. Any additional worker’s passes can be purchased at the Rodeo Office for $25 per adult per weekend. These passes are not available at the gate and can only be pre-purchased from the secretary. No additional worker’s passes will be sold after the commencement of the rodeo. Contact information and hours they are working for each worker must be supplied. The Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. reserves the right to limit the number of worker’s passes purchased per site at the reduced ticket price.
The Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. will not, under any circumstance, be held responsible for any loss of, or damage to, the stock in trade etc., or any part thereof belonging to any stall holder, from any cause whatsoever.
The Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. will not be responsible for any accident which may be caused through or by the stall holder, or which may happen in connection with the stall holder’s business. The stall holder shall save and hold harmless the Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. and indemnify it against any legal proceedings arising from any such accident.
A copy of the current public liability policy held by each trader or site holder must be supplied with a cover of a minimum of $10 million. Without a certificate of currency, the Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. will reject access to stall holders at its absolute discretion.
Written and signed assurance is required from stall holders, that any temporary structures, vans, equipment etc. and any activity that takes place on or adjacent to the stall holder’s site, complies in all respects with current Workplace Health & Safety Legislation. This includes, but is not limited to, testing and tagging of all electrical equipment and fitting of earth leakage detection devices if equipment is not double insulated. The stall holder is also required to provide a written report of all accidents, injuries and/or dangerous occurrences immediately after they occur.
Each site is entitled to 1(one) power outlet only. If additional is required the stall holder must supply their own ECB power board.
All electrical leads must be tested and tagged and be clear of the ground and must not impede the flow of pedestrians or traffic. IF LEADS ARE ON THE GROUND, THEY ARE TO BE COVERED WITH SUITABLE RUBBER MATTING TO ENSURE NO TRIP HAZZARD. STALL HOLDER TO SUPPLY OWN MATTING.
The use of double adaptors is prohibited, to prevent overloading of circuits. Four outlet power boards with an overload facility are allowable.
Depending on the site allocated to you, you may or may not be able to camp with your stall. Not all sites have enough space to allow for camping behind the stall, in this case you would camp in the public camping area. Camping areas must be kept clean and tidy and not obstruct traffic or pedestrian flow.
All rubbish must be cleaned up and placed in bins onsite before leaving the grounds.
All food stalls must comply with Food & Health Regulations. A Food Safety Supervisor may be required for your Stall - contact Mareeba Shire Council on 4086 4500. All food vehicles/sites etc, must have a current “Food Business Licence” certificate.
The selling of the following food lines are not permitted, as they are exclusive showmen’s lines: fairy floss, dagwood dogs, waffles, doughnuts, toffee apples and snow cones.
The following items are not permitted to be sold, as they are banned Items:
• Offensive Material – as deemed by the Rodeo Committee
• Bomb Bags
• Bouncing Beans
• Drug related goods (including cocaine kits, bongs, etc.)
• Explicit and hard-core t-shirts
• Fake cigarettes
• Fire wallets
• Fireworks – crackers
• Fuel type fire lighters (Zippos)
• Horns and trumpets
• Knives (including pen knives)
• Laser pointers
• Metal and wooden martial art nunchakus
• Playing cards (nude or lurid)
• Pressure pack fart gas
• Pressure pack snow
• Shanghai/sling shots
• Samurai swords, English swords and fencing swords are to be sold in sealed Packages by Licensed Traders ONLY
• Silly string
• Stink bombs
• Water Bombs
• Toy guns are acceptable; however, the following are not:
- Ball bearing guns
- Eight shot caps
- Pellet guns
- Pop Downs (Throw downs)
- Potato guns
- Replica guns (bullet type)
- Roll caps
- Strip caps
- Water pistols over 1500 mm (6”)
- Gel Blaster Guns
The Executive Committee Members of the Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. shall have the power to enter sites and remove any article, sign, picture or printed matter which, in their opinion, may be a cause of offence to the public.
The Mareeba District Rodeo Association Inc. reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions at any time and without further reference to stall holders.