ELIGIBILITY TO EXHIBIT: Acceptance into the exhibit hall is at the sole discretion of the Nevus Outreach. Nevus Outreach reserves the right at any time to refuse space to any company that the organization believes has products or services that do not meet the educational, scientific or practice needs of our members and attendees.
PAYMENT AND AGREEMENT: Full payment is due no later than June 15, 2024. If payment is not received by the deadline, Exhibitor may forfeit their exhibit opportunity. No company can participate unless full payment for the booth has been received. Payment sent via check should be sent to the Nevus Outreach, Attn: Conference Cordinator, 361 Southwest Drive #353, Jonesboro, AR 72401
CANCELLATION: A full refund will be issued only if the Nevus Outreach cancels the conference.
EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION: Everyone must register in order to participate in the Nevus Outreach Conference. One complimentary pass is provided per exhibitor. The pass allows access to all sessions and events. Additional registrations will be $300 and available on the conference website: https://nevusconference.org
EXHIBIT HALL HOURS: The Exhibit Hall will be open and available to attendees for the duration of the conference on Monday, July 8, 12pm 6pm CT and Tuesday, July 9, 12pm 5pm CT. Dedicated and unopposed exhibit hall hours have been built-in, where attendees’ prime focus will be visiting exhibitor booths. Dedicated and Unopposed Exhibit Hall Hours are Friday, July 15, 8 - 8:45 p.m. EST, Saturday July 16, 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. EST; Sunday July 17, 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. EST. Additional times including lunch and breaks to be determined.
STAFFING OF EXHIBITS: All exhibits must be staffed during the Dedicated and Unopposed Exhibit Hours listed above, and available to engage with attendees visiting their booth. Exhibitors who do not comply with these requirements may be unable to participate in future Nevus Outreach conferences.
VIRTUAL GIVEAWAYS AND DRAWINGS: Giveaways and drawings are permitted; however, exhibitors are solely responsible for compliance with any federal and state laws and regulations regarding prizes or contests. Exhibitors are also responsible for notifying winners and shipping the item to the winners if applicable. To obtain approval, please contact Kim Hoogendoorn, at conference@nevus.org
SALES OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES: Exhibitors may sell products and services to conference attendees. However, written pre-approval from Nevus Outreach of product/service sales is required by June 1, 2022. Nevus Outreach reserves the right to deny any company or product/service from participation and sales at the conference. Nevus Outreach reserves the right to revoke an exhibitor’s sales privileges at any time during the conference. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to adhere to all applicable city/state sales tax laws. To obtain approval, please contact Kim Hoogendoorn, at conference@nevus.org
FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES: No exhibitor may conduct any fundraising at the Nevus Outreach conference
INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE: The Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Nevus Outreach, its officials, agents and employees, from and against all claims, losses, damages, fees, expenses, judgements or liabilities whatsoever (including without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs), arising in whole or in part from breach of this Agreement by the Exhibitor or from activities of the Exhibitor in connection with the Nevus Outreach Conference, including without limitation any content of Exhibitor.
LIMITS IN LIABILITY: Nevus Outreach shall not be liable for any damages of any kind arising out of or relating to the use of or the inability to use the platform, the platform’s content, or links, including but not limited to damages caused by or related to errors, omissions, interruptions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, computer viruses or line failures. Nevus Outreach shall not have any liability or responsibility for the performance or failure to perform of the venu host, or for any acts, omissions or conduct of any user or other third party. In no event shall Nevus Outreach be liable to Exhibitor, whether in contract or tort for any amounts over and above the paid exhibitor fee.