Virtual Tour Research Survey
Thank you for participating in this survey! Please share your personal opinions, based on your experiences when searching for homes online.
Have you ever used or viewed a property listing that included a 360 virtual tour?
Yes, frequently
Yes, occasionally
No, never
How important are 360 virtual tours to you when browsing property listings?
Extremely important
Very important
Moderately important
Not important at all
Would you be more inclined to trust a property listing that includes a 360 virtual tour over one that does not?
Yes, definitely
Yes, somewhat
No, not at all
How influential are 360 virtual tours in your decision-making process when considering a property?
Extremely influential
Very influential
Moderately influential
Not influential at all
Have you ever decided not to explore a property listing further because it did not include a 360 virtual tour?
Yes, frequently
Yes, occasionally
No, never
Have you ever decided not to visit a property in person after viewing a 360 virtual tour? If so, what were the primary factors influencing your decision?
Yes, the property did not match my expectations from the virtual tour
Yes, the property had undesirable features that were not apparent in the virtual tour
No, I always visit properties in person regardless of the virtual tour
No, I have never decided against visiting a property after viewing a virtual tour
Any other opinions on why 360 virtual tours are good/bad for property listings?
Should be Empty: