Notes on using the Livestock entry form - Please read first
All fields marked with * are mandatory and must be completed before you can submit the form.
You must enter your email address twice. The system will check that they match. If they don't match you will be prompted to amend one of the entries until they do. This is to make sure that we have the correct email address to send a confirmation.
You can press the Tab key to move from field to field and across the columns.
Adding extra entries
The maximum number of entries on a form is 26. If you wish to add more entries please submit another form and make sure that you check the Additional Entries box. You can submit as many forms as you need, but please note that the system uses a combination of Last Name, Postcode, Telephone, and Email to match up multiple entries with your main member record. Make sure that you type these exactly the same on each form that you submit. Upper or lower case do not matter for matching purposes.
You only need to enter Membership details and Holding Number on the first entry.
Review your entries
Once you have finished entering all the information scroll down to the bottom of the form and click on the Review button. This will give you the chance to check that you have entered all the information correctly. You also have the opportunity to print your entry if you would like a hard copy. To go back and make changes click on the Back to Form button.
If you are happy with your form, click on the Submit button. You will then see the confirmation page and an email will be sent to you confirming your entry.
Thank you for reading the notes.