Survey on Magnetic Tattoo Removal Technique Master Class
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Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email
Mobile number with WhatsApp
Please enter a valid phone number.
How satisfied are you with the overall quality of the Magnetic Tattoo Removal Training course?
Very dissatisfied
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Please Explain your choice!
How would you rate the content of the videos in the Magnetic Tattoo Removal Technique Masterclass?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Poor
Please Explain your choice!
How would you rate the quality of the videos in the Magnetic Tattoo Removal Technique Masterclass?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Poor
Please Explain your choice!
Did the course meet your expectations? Why or why not?
a. Yes, it exceeded my expectations
b. Yes, it met my expectations
c. Somewhat, it partially met my expectations
d. No, it did not meet my expectations
e. No, it fell far short of my expectations
Please Explain your choice!
What aspects of the course did you find most valuable?
a. Theoretical knowledge
b. Practical training sessions
c. Course materials
d. Instructor's expertise
e. Other (please specify): _______
Please Explain your choice!
Were the course materials (e.g., textbooks, handouts, online resources) helpful in your learning?
a. Extremely helpful
b. Very helpful
c. Somewhat helpful
d. Not very helpful
e. Not at all helpful
Please Explain your choice!
How would you rate the effectiveness of the instructors in delivering the course content?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
e. Very poor
Please Explain your choice!
Did the course cover all the topics you expected it to cover?
a. Yes, all topics were covered
b. Most topics were covered
c. Some topics were missing
d. No, several important topics were missing
Please Explain your choice!
Were the practical exercises and hands-on training sessions beneficial to your learning experience?
a. Extremely beneficial
b. Very beneficial
c. Moderately beneficial
d. Slightly beneficial
e. Not beneficial at all
Please Explain your choice!
Did you encounter any difficulties or challenges during the course?
a. Yes, I encountered difficulties with _______
b. No, I did not encounter any difficulties
Please Explain your choice!
How would you rate the organization and scheduling of the course sessions?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. Very poor
Please Explain your choice!
Did you find the course duration for the theoretical part suitable for covering all the necessary material effectively?
a. Yes, the duration was just right
b. Yes, but it could have been shorter
c. No, it felt rushed
d. No, it was too long
Please Explain your choice!
Did you find the course duration for the physical training part suitable for covering all the necessary material effectively?
a. Yes, the duration was just right
b. Yes, but it could have been shorter
c. No, it felt rushed
d. No, it was too long
Please Explain your choice!
Did the course provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform magnetic tattoo removal procedures confidently?
a. Yes, absolutely
b. Mostly
c. Somewhat
d. Not really
e. Not at all
Please Explain your choice!
Do you feel prepared to apply what you learned in real-world settings?
a. Completely prepared
b. Mostly prepared
c. Somewhat prepared
d. Minimally prepared
e. Not prepared at all
Please Explain your choice!
How likely are you to recommend this course to others interested in magnetic tattoo removal training?
a. Very likely
b. Likely
c. Neutral
d. Unlikely
e. Very unlikely
Please Explain your choice!
Were the facilities and equipment provided adequate for the practical sessions?
a. Yes, completely adequate
b. Mostly adequate
c. Somewhat adequate
d. Inadequate
e. Completely inadequate
Please Explain your choice!
Did the course meet your career or personal development objectives?
a. Yes, completely
b. Mostly
c. Somewhat
d. Not really
e. Not at all
Please Explain your choice!
How would you rate the support and assistance provided by the course instructors and staff?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
e. Very poor
Please Explain your choice!
Did the course cover the safety protocols and precautions adequately?
a. Yes, completely
b. Mostly
c. Somewhat
d. Not really
e. Not at all
Please Explain your choice!
Would you be interested in advanced or Perfection courses related to magnetic tattoo removal?
a. Yes, definitely
b. Possibly
c. Unsure
d. Unlikely
e. No, not at all
Please Explain your choice!
How proud do you feel of the brand that you work with?
Very dissatisfied
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Please Explain your choice!
Do you have any additional comments or feedback regarding the course that you would like to share?
What are the three (3) things you are extremely not satisfied about this organization?
What are the three (3) things you would like to suggest to improve the organization’s function?
Do you have any other concerns that were not mentioned in this survey?
Should be Empty: