Alternatives to Suicide is a Harm Reduction approach to suicidal thoughts, urges, attempts and/or issues around self-harm.
This training will be a one-hour introduction to Alternatives to Suicide. It is not meant to replace more extensive trainings done by the Wildflower Alliance.
Find out more information about the Alternatives to Suicide approach as well as where to find Alt2su support groups throughout Connecticut and online on the Alt2Su Connecticut webpage.
If you are interested in learning more about Alt2Su beyond this one-hour intro, please reach out to the Alt2su/Community Support Coordinator, Jennifer Tirado.
Please look over the Alternatives to Suicide Charter to learn more about the essential values of this approach.
This training may be taken once. Two sessions is meant to offer more flexibility. Both sessions will have the same information. Attendees need only attend one session. Each session will be approximately one hour long. Each will include some time for questions, which may extend up to 90 minutes depending on the discussion.
If you are a certified Recovery Support Specialist, this training may contribute to 1 CEU toward your recertification requirement.
Please choose a session that best fits your schedule. The Zoom link for that session will then be emailed to you. Thank you for your interest!
Session 1:
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 at 6PM
Session 2:
Thursday, April 18th, 2024 at 1PM