I acknowledge that I understand and am aware that Sequim Wheeler activities, and transportation to and from such activities, involve inherent and other risks of injury. I further understand that injuries during my participation, while rare, are not uncommon occurrences and I have made a voluntary choice to accept and assume all risks of injury. These include, but are not limited to, collision, equipment failure, and jolts and bumps experienced during use of equipment.
I further release, discharge and hold harmless Sequim Wheelers, its directors, officers, employees, agents, administrators, insurers, successors assignees, and affiliates from all liability and claims of any and every kind, whether arising out of negligence or otherwise, for any injuries, death, or loss of property arising from my volunteering. I hereby waive all current and future claims against any parties arising from any loss, damage, or injury to my person and property arising from my activities with Sequim Wheelers.