Contractual Procedures:
Grants are entered into IDOE’s online contract system. There are 19 contract steps in the system that must be completed before the grant becomes fully executed. Multiple offices within IDOE as well as other state agencies review grant documentation for approval as part of the online process. As a result, it can take 3 months or more before the grant is fully executed (final) in the online system and reimbursements can then be requested from the grant award.
Reimbursement Procedures:
Reimbursement requests can be submitted once the grant is fully executed in IDOE’s online contract system. All purchases to be reimbursed with these grant funds must be made within the grant period indicated in the fully executed grant award. Reimbursement forms will be posted on Moodle once the grant cycle begins.
Data Collection:
As a part of this grant, data must be submitted at the end of the grant cycle. This data may include discipline data (school, discipline length, discipline type, race, grade, age, and primary disability), disciplinary referrals, evaluation data, and policy / practice / procedure review depending on the theory of action submitted. Any changes to policy / practice / procedure should be noted in the final data collection. In addition, recipients will be required to complete a reflection survey at the end of the grant cycle. As a part of the grant application review, IDOE may require changes to your data collection plan.