SASK TERRA Group Inc. is a non-profit corporation which supports, develops and promotes work in ceramics by Saskatchewan artists.
With your membership in SASK TERRA Group Inc. you access:
1. Touring member's exhibitions
2. Representation on Website
3. Educational opportunities
4. Workshops and symposiums
Membership Categories:
Open to all residents of Saskatchewan. Entitled to vote at all meetings of members. Membership Fee: $30.00
Open to all residents of Saskatchewan. Each member is entitled to vote at all meetings of members.
Membership Fee: $30.00 for the first member and $15.00 for each additional member at the same address
Open to non-residents of Saskatchewan. Not entitled to vote.
Membership fee: $30.00
Current high school and post-secondary visual artists free membership with 20% discount on workshops.
Memberships to be renewed each April 1st. Cheques are payable to SASK TERRA.